Contact UsMindset, You, Trust & Habits (MYTH)
CHANGE JOURNEY’S can increase their chances of SUCCESS by starting with our MYTH course, because it FOCUSES THE IDEA THAT CHANGE BEGINS WITH EACH INDIVIDUAL
If you’ve ever looked to establish a change and found it difficult to get everyone engaged, to get people to understand their role and to get them on the bus then this is a great course for you and your team.
I have recently attended the Mindset course and I have to say it was very good, and that I have also gained a lot from attending the course. It has already started to make me think a lot differently especially being more positive and more aware of how I am thinking
How does it break down
A 3 part facilitated team course enabling newly formed teams or those going through or embarking on change to understand the key factors in them becoming a high performing team.
Mindset Module
Our GK house as a way of understanding and structuring thinking through to behaviours
Trust Module
Practical ways of understanding and measuring levels of trust for both individual and team
Habits Module
Raised awareness of the importance of habits and how they work with practical ways of focussing on habits beyond the course
Other ways we can help
A 4 phase coaching approach enabling operational business leaders and their teams to improve their Customer performance whilst also improving both People and Productivity metrics.
A strategic approach to the implementation of SPEx across an organisation. It enables a clear plan to be formed to take defined organisational values and behaviours and deliver them at team level through a coaching approach.
Improvement Function
The coaching of an improvement team in the delivery of a 4-phase coaching approach enabling operational business leaders and their teams to improve their productivity whilst also improving both Customer and People metrics.
Customer Journey
The transformation of a customer journey by an internal team through coaching in the delivery of a Getting and Deploying knowledge methodology to enable breakthrough improvements in Customer, People and Cost metrics
A 6 step framework to enable you and your team/business to create an engaging vision that depicts where you are, where you are heading and how you will get there TOGETHER
Get In Touch
Location: Studio 19, The Media Centre, 7 Northumberland Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1RL
Telephone: 07868 956869
Office Hours: M-F: 8am - 5pm